Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Hon. Ayah Rebuts CRTV’s ‘Impostor Divisional Officer’ Report

/By Macdonald Ayang Okumb/
       Hon. Paul Ayah Abine has reacted to a story first broadcast by CRTV last Monday that a supposedly fake Divisional Officer, D.O, had been arrested in the south west region. CRTV had reported that one Denis Sonemetuge had been passing for the Divisional Officer of Akwaya and was duping unsuspecting citizens in that part of the country. 
     The Supreme Court Advocate General made this rebuttal in a write-up which he posted Tuesday on his Facebook Page. Below is a full (unedited) text of the Ayah's reaction which however does not reflect the views and opinion of this blogger.

I gathered on CRTV at 8 AM this Tuesday, June 30, that Sonemetuge Denis was unmasked as “imposteur”, arrested and detained for posing as the Divisional Officer of Akwaya. That is only consistent with the fact that, in our country, might is right; and that CRTV is a tool in the hands of the mighty to embellish falsehood and distort veracity!

The truth that is that Mr. Sonemetuge Denis was appointed the Assistant Divisional Officer for Akwaya by a decree of the Prime Minister. As the then Member of Parliament of the area, I gave him lifts to and from Akwaya via Nigeria a number of times. I did render similar services to other civil servants serving my electorate, including the police…
During the 2011 presidential election, however, one of Mr. President’s secretaries general who was crusading to be appointed Prime Minister by hook or by crook took offence that Mr. Sonemetuge Denis had refused to rig election in favour of Mr. President. The only pretext they could use to avenge themselves was to invoke the fact that Mr. Sonemetuge Denis had visited and traveled with me who did dare to be a presidential candidate… Offences were promptly enacted by some presidential parliament parallel to the people’s parliament!
Alleging he was acting on instructions from the Presidency, the Divisional Officer for Akwaya, a certain Austin Ayuni Sakah, ordered the brigade commander and the head of Akwaya Frontier Police to deal with Mr. Sonemetuge to the pleasure of the Presidency. Mr. Sonemetuge was bundled out of his office manu militaris and the office was unduly sealed – we hold hard evidence to prove this. All that without due process!
Mr. Austin Ayuni Sakah also broke into Mr. Sonemetuge’s official residence later that same day and took and carried away the latter’s official attributes. The victim has consistently alleged that Mr. Austin Ayuni Sakah did steal some of his personal chattels. Fearing for his life, Mr. Sonemetuge fled to Kumba where he took refuge…
Every report to the authorities about this oppression and assault has been consistently ignored over the years with Mr. Sonemetuge’s wife and children suffering dire hardship. Not only were their children expelled from schools but they got evicted from premises to premises for failure to pay rentals. They eventually got to a point where they could not afford a square meal a day... The author of this write-up even took the issue physically right to the Presidency, but every correspondence was intercepted and destroyed… That verily is the story!
The government of course has CRTV to tell any story the way they choose. But the truth is that, in Cameroun, we can always give a dog a bad name and hang it. After everything, the churches are ever there for us to go to confession!
Cameroun is “une democratie sans paraille” indeed!

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